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The best nesting box ever!

I have been wanting a reversible rollout nesting box forever. If you ever had to pick up muddy or poopy eggs, you understand what I am saying. Chickens are messy and sometimes the mess ends up in the nesting boxes, especially during the Florida rainy season.

We had contemplated this for a while, but these are not cheap, and there was always something else on the priority list of things we needed to purchase. A few weeks ago we finally pulled the trigger and bought one. Chris was as excited as I was and started putting it together right away. It really didn't take long as the included instructions were comprehensive and well written and in no time, this puppy was put together!

Chris finished the Best nest box

Installing it outside in our existing coop was a bit more time-consuming. Since the coop in which we wanted this installed is an 8x8 Resin shed, Chris had to cut through the shed and build a support frame for it. Luckily for us both, Chris is meticulous and precise so the frame didn't take long to build and the nesting box was put in place.

best nest box installed

We removed all of their old nesting boxes and put some pine shavings on top of the mat so that it would look familiar. The hens were not impressed on the first day, and we found eggs everywhere but in the nesting box. On day two, however, the magic happened, and...

CLEAN... SPOTLESS eggs!! I'll write an update by the end of the year how well it is holding up throughout the season and if our chickens continue to use it, but today was a win!


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