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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What USDA Zone are we're in?
    We use to be classified Zone 9a, but with the USDA's rezoning this year based on temperature patterns, we are now classified as Zone 9b here in Hastings. You can find the USDA hardiness Zone Map HERE
  • Does Taro (Colocasia esculenta) grow well here?
    Yes it does. Taro (Colocasia esculenta), sometimes called the "potato of the tropics," or "elephant ears" is a wetland herbaceous perennial with huge “elephant ear” like leaves. It produces heart shaped leaves 2-3' long and 1-2' across on 3' long petioles that all emanate from an upright tuberous rootstock, called a corm. The petioles are thick, succulent, and often purplish. The leaf petiole attaches near the center of the leaf. Taro is a tropical or subtropical plant that requires very warm temperatures–77° to 95°F (25-35°C)–and consistent moisture to thrive. Taro grows best in USDA zones 9-11. Taro can be grown for its tubers only where summers are long–at least 200 frost-free, warm days. How do I plant this? Wait until the last frost is over. You can either directly put it 6 inches deep into the ground, OR you can wait until your Tuber gets shoots and then plant it where the shoots are exposed above the ground. Tubers will take 12-18 months to mature, although you should be able to harvest the leaves 2-3 times a year. Young leaves ARE edible, and you can google any recipes you like. Caution: If taro is not prepared and cooked well, the acridity will cause itchiness in the mouth and throat.
  • What can I plant here and when do I plant it?
    Here is a list from Seed the Stars (they sell Florida adapted seeds and are a small Florida Business) Here is also the University of Florida "Florida Fresh" link that allows you to enter your zipcode and it will tell you each month what to plant. If you see something you like and click on the picture from there, it will tell you which variety of said vegetable best grows in your zip code, how to plant it, when to harvest it, and anything else you may need to know.
  • What is the Plant Stand and where is it located?
    The Plant Stand is a Community project. It is FREE and works on a "Take a Plant - Leave a Plant" principle. The Plant Stand can not function without you. While we don't expect you to take one and leave one all on the same day, after you remove something, it would be lovely if you could add something back to it in the near future. You can leave plants, seeds, etc. We just ask you not to leave whole fruits as it would attract Critters that would destroy them anyway. The Plant Stand is located at the front short end of Flagler Estates at 9620 Huskens Avenue. Please do not litter - we live here :)
  • How do I grow sweet potatoes?
    We get asked that question a lot since we had posted a big harvest image last year. I sat down and wrote a Blog post about this that details everything you should need to know. Go check it out and if there is anything in there we didn't answer, please feel free to message me on the Homesteading Group. I will do my best to add it.
  • How do I grow Seminole Pumpkins (Cucurbita moschata) and what are they?
    Seminole pumpkins are a type of pumpkin native to Florida, particularly associated with the Seminole tribe, from which they take their name. These pumpkins are renowned for their resilience and adaptability to various growing conditions. They have a long history of cultivation by Native American tribes in Florida and were traditionally grown in the region for their nutritious flesh and seeds. We ended up with 400lbs of Pumpkins from 2 seeds last year and decided to write down how to grow Seminole Pumpkins in this Blog post, including how to cure them so they'll last a year fresh in your Pantry. If there is anything we didn't address, though, please let me know, and I will do my best to add that information as well.
  • How to grow Cassava (Manihot esculenta) in our Zone.
    Last year, we grew Cassava, aka Yuca (not the same thing as Yucca), for the first time! We got a really good amount of harvest from the 10 we planted and when we were done, we gave away a ton of cuttings to our Homesteading neighbors. We had a TON left and I now had to figure out how to store it best so that it would survive until spring. We wrote a Blog Post about this, including how to plant it, how to take care of it, and how to harvest it. If you have any lingering questions after reading this, please let me know and I'll be happy to answer them.
  • How to grow Cranberry Hibiscus
    Hibiscus comes in a multitude of varieties and grows very well in Florida. Here, we'll talk about the two most common in our Gardens. Hibiscus sabdariffa - Produces a Calyx that is edible and has a cranberry like tartness to it. Comes mostly with red "fruit" but there is also a White variety. Hibiscus acetosella (cranberry Hibiscus) - Does not produce an edible Calyx, but does produce edible flowers and leaves that prolifically produce starting around November. They are essentially grown the same way and I've detailed this here
  • How can I evacuate my Horses during a Hurricane?
    Please join the EAST COAST EQUINE EMERGENCY and DISASTER RESPONSE / Fleet of Angels group on Facebook that may be able to help you. The purpose of the East Coast Equine Emergency and Disaster Response group provided by Fleet of Angels (a 501(c)3 tax-exempt service organization) is to serve as base camp via social media where equine owners and caregivers can connect with equine transporters, foster facilities, searchers and rescuers, horse-savvy handlers, hay and supply bank hosts, and other volunteer service providers in situations where equines are at risk due to natural disasters in this area. Equine evacuation, post-disaster search and rescue, recovery, fostering, emergency care, and equine facility repair and relief may all be addressed here. Register your request for help (hay, feed, supplies) on our request form at and we will get in touch ASAP - please be patient as we may or may not have a specific hay bank location near you and hay sourcing may be in the works before your request is fulfilled. ALL emergency transporters and providers of temporary care are asked to register in the database at before posting your availability on this page. For year round assistance, register and use as official Fleet of Angels "angel" to help! Both directories are used by the FOA organization and by many authorities during natural disasters and other emergency situations to locate help for at-risk equines when needed. Just scroll down to the Angels section on the home page and click the Register Here button. All page users are asked to remain civil and professional, helpful, and mindful of the importance of teamwork in emergency situations- both on this page and out in the field. Posts and comments that are hostile, negative, combative, or otherwise inappropriate will be delete without notice. No profanity or inference of profanity is allowed on the page and will be deleted without notice. Page users may post their needs, availabilities, event updates, weather reports, and other posts of interest that relate to helping equines put at risk by disasters in this area. No fundraising without permission of Elaine Nash, Executive Director of Fleet of Angels. This page is provided by Fleet of Angels, the at-risk equine transportation and assistance network. ALL USERS OF THIS PAGE OR OTHER FOA TOOLS ARE EXPECTED TO USE GOOD JUDGEMENT IN ALL CASES REGARDING ASSISTING OTHERS, RECEIVING ASSISTANCE FROM OTHERS. NO PERSON SHOULD PUT THEMSELVES AT RISK IN AN EFFORT TO ASSIST WITH THE SAVING OR TRANSPORTING OF AN ANIMAL.
  • Insect repelling Shrubs and Plants please?
    Sure thing. Here are just a few that worked for various folks: For Mosquitos and other flying pests: Lavender Marigolds Lemongrass Citronella Catnip Rosemary Peppermint for Spider and Mice repellent.
  • How do I properly save Tomato seeds?
  • How do I properly prune a Fig for better harvests?
  • How do I grow Ginger?
  • How to build a Dragon Fruit Trellis
  • What Mulch is BEST for your garden?
  • Easy DIY Rain Water Catchment System
    Mind you this is just one way and there are many but it should give you a start.
  • They Tested 14 Different Potting Soils...Here's What They Learned
  • What is your Return and Refund Policy?
    Returns and exchanges are not accepted. Please contact us if you have an issue with your order, and we'll make it right!
  • What should I really know before purchasing anything natural?
    While I am an herbalist, I am not a Doctor. I do not make health claims, offer health-related advice, or diagnose conditions. The literature here is for educational purposes only and is not meant to replace the diagnosis or treatment of medical professionals. The information in this listing is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or any health-related concern. I only offer my opinion and resources based on research, product testing amongst ourselves, and customer reviews. All sales are final. Use at your own risk. I am not responsible for accidents, misuse, or adverse reactions. Please do your own research and learn any precautions associated with any of the natural herbs or products.
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